Welcome to the New Blog!!

Hello and thanks for stopping by. If you're here then it might be because you've seen some of my cards on the DoCrafts website. Or, you're here getting some inspiration to place an order. Whatever the reason, welcome.

My email is Teresaewington@myway.com. If you want more information on anything you see then drop me a line and I'll get back to you.

Crafting smiles x

Saturday 27 November 2010

Cardmaking and Papercraft X-CUT Card maker of the Year 2010!!

Great news! If you've the recent copy of the wonderful 'Cardmaking and Papercraft' magazine you'll be able to see my winning entry for the X-CUT category. This is the first year I've entered and I'm chuffed to bits :-)  I'm just waiting for my prizes to arrive so I do more crafting (whoppee!!)
You can see more images of my card attached and if you want to know more detail about how I did it then get in touch and I'll happily reveal all.

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